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EggNOGS Is Available

It launched! Yay! Party! Victory Arms! \o/

I’ve been heads down this week really trying to get EggNOGS out on the market. I just clicked the “Make it Public” button!

You can read more about it at the Product page above, or at the EggNOGS landing page.

4 thoughts on “EggNOGS Is Available”

    1. Yes! In fact, I have new prototypes waiting for me to test. The previous version worked but for a few silly mistakes. So I’m optimistic that AmpNOGS and TeaNOGS will follow very quickly. Also, the AM/FM BCI Filters, and possibly even AM/FM/Cell BCI filters. 🙂

  1. I am looking to build a 2 meter/70 cm satellite antenna. I believe EggNogs would be a good solution for this. A few questions:
    1. What is the availability of these devices? Do I get a discount for purchasing two (one for each band)?
    2. What is the timeframe for delivery?
    3. What is the power handling capability of these items?
    4. Are they available with SO-239 UHF connectors?

    Thanks and 73

    1. Hey Phil, thanks for reaching out.

      1: EggNOGS are now available and shipping immediately (as of 2025-01-30 when I’m writing this.) They were briefly on back-order while I was fixing my CNC mill used to drill the holes in the PVC caps, but that’s all settled. Unfortunately, I don’t have any sales or discounts for multiple purchases at this time.
      2: Immediate. Domestic shipping to the US is typically 5 days or less. International shipping is typically 3 weeks, give or take.
      3: The GOAL is 50W constant carrier (eg: FM) at 50% duty cycle indefinitely, and I’m about 80% sure it can handle this. I am 100% sure it can handle 20W at 100% duty cycle into a heavily de-tuned antenna, for 3m45s. It stabilized at 60C after about 2m30s; warm, but not dangerously so. I haven’t yet been able to do the 50W/50% test. That’s on the list.
      4: Short answer is: No. I haven’t been able to find an edge mount SO-239 socket; if you know of one, please point me to it. The best I can do is an edge mount BNC, with a BNC -> SO-239 adapter.

      Let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks, Phil! Cheers, 73 de N6MTS

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