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HHI Radio Pro

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The HHI Radio Pro is an Open Headset Interconnect Standard (OHIS) compliant Radio Device adapter.  When connected to a radio, it allows any OHIS compliant User Device, such as the HHI User Pro, to connect to the radio, regardless of its microphone type, speaker type, or PTT method.

Full details are below.

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Pre-configured Config Board

Every HHI Radio Pro comes with one pre-configured Config Board for the radio of your choice, included in the price. See "Config Board Preconfigurations" tab below for help making a selection.

Optional cable add-ons

These are cables you may need to connect your HHI Radio Pro to your radio, available here for your convenience. Select the correct cables for your radio's connectors. They are optional, in case you already have suitable cables.

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The HHI Radio Pro is an Open Headset Interconnect Standard (OHIS) compliant Radio Device adapter.  When connected to a radio, it allows any OHIS compliant User Device, such as the HHI User Pro, to connect to the radio, regardless of its microphone type, speaker type, or PTT method.

See the OHIS Overview tab for more information.


HHI Radio Pro does everything an OHIS Radio Device adapter needs to do, and more.

Works with every radio:

HHI Radio Pro has several physical connector options to match your radio. On the HHI Radio Pro Config Board (included with HHI Radio Pro), any signal can be assigned to any physical pin, allowing for maximum flexibility.  See the Config Board Preconfigurations tab for more details.

All audio circuits have sufficient dynamic range to work with all common audio levels.  All connections to the radio are galvanically isolated with transformers for audio, and opto-isolator for PTT, preventing ground loops.  See Additional Information tab for physical and electrical details.

Passthru Ports:

The same connectors used to connect to the radio are also on the front of HHI Radio Pro, allowing you to connect your radio’s stock microphone, headphones or speaker, and PTT.  Receive audio from the radio is sent to both the OHIS port, and the Passthru ports.  Which microphone audio is sent to the radio is determined by which PTT is used.  When OHIS PTT is engaged, the OHIS microphone audio is sent to the radio.  All other times (including when no PTT is pressed), the Passthru microphone audio is sent to the radio.  All other pins are connected directly from Radio to Passthru ports, preserving their functionality, even of OHIS doesn’t know what it is.

Weight 1.08 lbs
Dimensions 6.30 × 4.75 × 1.38 in
Microphone Support

GX16-8P, aka Fostex, aka "8 pin round microphone connector" common to many HF radios
8p8c Modular, aka RJ45.  Custom cables can convert this to 6p6c, aka RJ12, microphone connectors.
3.5mm TRRS, TRS, or TS.  A 3.5mm to XLR cable can convert this to transformer isolated fully balanced XLR for high-end radios.

Dynamic, or Electret levels.
With, or without, DC bias voltage.
Balanced, pseudo-balanced, or single ended.

Speaker/Headphone Support

3.5mm TRRS, TRS, or TS.  A 3.5mm to 1/4" cable can convert this to 1/4" for headphone outputs.

Headphone level, or speaker level
Stereo or Mono. Stereo, if available, is preserved.
Ground referenced, or push-pull speaker (Mono only.)

PTT Support

Can be assigned to a pin on the microphone connector

Opto-isolator contact closure.  Max: 40vDC, 150mA.


13.8vDC, 500mA


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OHIS Overview

A quick overview of the Open Headset Interconnect Standard, or OHIS:

An OHIS Radio Device adapter, like the HHI Radio Pro, converts the radio’s native electrical and physical connections to the OHIS standard, and provides an OHIS Radio port.

An OHIS User Device adapter, like the HHI User Pro, converts any headset’s native electrical and physical connections (or other mic, headphone/speaher, and PTT) to the OHIS standard, and provides an OHIS User port.

OHIS allows any OHIS User port to connect to any OHIS Radio port, regardless of the electrical or physical properties of the devices behind them.

Config Board Pre-configurations

There are 4 available pre-configured HHI Radio Pro Config Boards, plus 1 “Generic” board that has not been pre-configured.  If your radio is not supported by one of the 4 pre-configured boards, you can buy the Generic board and configure it yourself; see the HHI Radio Pro User Guide for details on configuring the HHI Radio Pro Config Board.  NOTE: You can re-configure any Config Board, even a pre-configured Config Board, to support any radio.  So if you buy the wrong board, or need to make some modifications for whatever reason, ANY Config Board can be made to work with any radio by following the instructions in the User Guide.

How The Configuration Is Made:

Note how the Config Board is a large grid of solder pads.  Some solder pads have small black “zero ohm resistors” on them, and most of them are open.  The user can make jumpers with a blob of solder; the 0 ohm resistor is just a “blob of solder” that can be automated with a pick-and-place machine at manufacturing time.

For the purposes of figuring out which board to use for which radio, you can ignore the trim-pots along the bottom, as well as issues like “Dynamic vs Electret” microphone, “Speaker vs Headphone” output, etc.  Those are the same for every Config Board option, and are handled by the User at installation.  See the HHI Radio Pro User Guide for details.

On this grid of jumpers, the rows are the pins on connectors, such as “3.5mm microphone, Tip” or “GX16 microphone, Pin 3”.  The columns are signals, such as “Headphones Left” or “Mic+”.  A signal is connected to a pin by placing a jumper (either a 0 ohm resistor at manufacturing, or a solder blob by the user) at the intersection of the pin (row) and signal (column).

Toward the right side, there’s a separate column labeled “Passthru” then two more columns labeled “Passthru Mic+” and “Passthru Mic-“.  The Passthru column connects the Radio Side connector on the back to the Passthru Side connector on the front.  Every pin EXCEPT Mic+ and Mic- are passed through to the Passthru side.  The Mic+ and Mic- pins are connected to the last two columns “Passthru Mic+” and “Passthru Mic-“.  This is because the HHI Radio Pro needs to select which microphone signal to send to the radio, either the Passthru microphone, OR the OHIS microphone, but not both.  All the other signals can be connected in parallel, so they’re just passed through.

The configurations below will document which 0 Ohm resistors are pre-populated by Halibut Electronics for a given configuration, so you can compare with the documentation for your radio to verify which one you should select.

Modular Jack Pin Numbers in Radio Documentation:

Radio documentation is horribly inconsistent in its numbering of modular connector (aka RJ45) pins.  Yaesu seems especially bad at numbering pins in their documentation backwards from the accepted standard and they’re not even consistent about it.  Because of this, we will be using the accepted standard pin numbers: If you hold the modular jack in your hand, with the contacts facing you, and the cable going out the bottom of your hand, the pins are numbered from left to right.  Pin one on the left, pin 6 (for 6p6c) or 8 (for 8p8c) on the right.

When comparing the 8p8c/RJ45 pin numbers below against your radio documentation, confirm how your documentation is numbering their pins.

All Configs:

Since the majority of the variation between radios happens on the 8p8c/RJ45 and the GX16 connectors, the following connections are on all Config Boards.  In fact, these (plus all the Passthru jumpers) are the ONLY connections on the Generic board.

  • RCA PTT:
    • Center: PTT
    • Shield: Radio Ground
  • 3.5mm Microphone
    • Tip: Mic+
    • Ring1: Mic-
    • Ring2: Radio Ground
    • Sleeve: Radio Ground
  • 3.5mm Headphone/Speaker:
    • Tip: Headphone Left, and Headphone Right.  This is for a Mono source.
    • Ring1: Not connected.  User move’s Headphone Right to here for Stereo sources.
    • Ring2: Headphone Ground
    • Sleeve: Headphone Ground

All pins, except pins assigned to Mic+ and Mic-, are connected to the Passthru connectors on the front panel.  Only the mic pins are NOT passed through because the HHI Radio Pro needs to switch between the Passthru mic and the OHIS mic, based on which PTT is pressed.

Yaesu HF, or Flex

Select the “Yaesu HF, or Flex” configuration if your radio matches this pin-out:

  • 8p8c/RJ45 Microphone:
    • Pin 5: Mic+
    • Pin 4: Mic-
    • Pin 6: PTT
    • Pin 7: Radio Ground
  • GX16 Microphone:
    • Pin 8: Mic+
    • Pin 7: Mic-
    • Pin 6: PTT
    • Pin 5: Radio Ground

Yaesu Mobile

Select the “Yaesu Mobile” configuration if your radio matches this pin-out:

  • 8p8c/RJ45 Microphone:
    • Note that Pin N on 8p8c on HHI Radio Pro maps to Pin N-1 on the 6p6c on the Radio.
    • Pin 3 (2 on 6p6c): Mic+
    • Pin 4 (3 on 6p6c): Mic-, and Radio Ground
    • Pin 2 (1 on 6p6c): PTT
  • GX16 Microphone:
    • Pin 8: Mic+
    • Pin 7: Mic-
    • Pin 6: PTT
    • Pin 5: Radio Ground

Icom HF and Mobile:

Select the “Icom HF/Mobile” configuration if your radio matches this pin-out:

  • 8p8c/RJ45 Microphone:
    • Pin 6: Mic+
    • Pin 5: Mic-
    • Pin 4: PTT
    • Pin 7: Radio Ground
  • GX16 Microphone:
    • Pin 1: Mic+
    • Pin 7: Mic-
    • Pin 5: PTT
    • Pin 6: Radio Ground

Kenwood HF and Mobile, or Elecraft:

Select the “Kenwood HF/Mobile, or Elecraft” configuration if your radio matches this pin-out:

  • 8p8c/RJ45 Microphone:
    • Pin 3: Mic+
    • Pin 4: Mic-
    • Pin 5: PTT
    • Pin 6: Radio Ground
  • GX16 Microphone:
    • Pin 1: Mic+
    • Pin 7: Mic-
    • Pin 2: PTT
    • Pin 8: Radio Ground


If your radio doesn’t match any of the above pin outs, then buy the “Generic” board which only has the connections on the “All Boards” at the top.  All 8 pins on both the 8p8c/RJ45 and GX16 are just passed through.  The user can then jumper the signals to the correct pins for their radio, without having to “undo” any pre-existing jumpers.


Note: Documentation for all Halibut Electronics products can be found at the Documentation page.